UofL Swap



  • A website that allowed only University of Louisville students and staff to register
  • Allowed the posting of items for sale in a fashion similar to Craiglist
  • Allowed for the reporting of listings that were inappropriate.
  • Allowed the posting of photos but prevented cross site scripting attacks
  • Provided flexibility for new categories to be created, and removed, with ease.

What Was Done

Using the Codeigniterframework, a website was created that fulfilled the University of Louisville Student Government Association’s requirements. This system had a backend control panel that allowed for user administration along with site configuration. Through several options, administrators could manage the various catagories on the site, manage users on the site, allow additional schools access to register on the site, and handle reported listings. Reported listings would log either the username of the individual reporting the posting or the ip address to identify of potential abuse in the reporting system. Additionally, a basic content management system was added to the site to allow administrators to easily make changes to the homepage and various sub pages. Finally, a purge feature was created to facilitate in maintenance on the site. All of this was coded in a way that prevents various attacks and provided a secure way for buyer and seller to communicate.