

I still work with David Gordan by providing various updates to his existings template, management of his SQL Database server, and hosting of his internal inventory system.


  • An Ebay store template that gave a high end feel to their online web presence
  • Allowed for easy ways for customer’s to filter the listings in ebay by types of shoes and sizes
  • An Ebay listing template that was similar to their ebay store template
  • A Prostores template that was similar to their ebay store template
  • An online inventory system that allowed for each entry and updating of shoes that have been sold. Additionally, it had to produce reports based on sales within specificed time ranges. It was created with a way to export all data in a manner that would be easy to use in any future solutions
  • A internal network setup in their warehouse to allow for sharing of resources (printers, future servers, etc)

What Was Done

DWGalf’s started as a basic Ebay store that sold handbags. Over time, this small company has grown to have an expanded store that focuses on selling shoes and other accessories in addition to handbags. This has created various growing pains in how they initially kept track of their inventory and sales, which prompted the creation of a custom inventory system built to match their particular needs. Several templates have been created to allow a consistant look and feel from their Ebay store to their Ebay listings to their Prostores website. Additionally, they have moved from a house to a warehouse that needed a network created to share resources and internet access.