Designer Expressions


A modern, simple, and clean Ebay store and Ebay listing template for a new store by the owners of MoreShoes4U. This store was created to provide a way to sell items that had minor damage that the owners did not want to sell on their main Ebay store.


  • An Ebay store template that had a modern, simple, and clean look to it.
  • An Ebay listing template that would match the store front.

What Was Done

After consulting with the owners about various color schemes, a bright palate was chosen upon because the site would not feature more detailed imagery on the template. Fonts and general layout were also discussed in detail until everything was finalized. Shortly thereafter, the Ebay store template was initially created and then followed up by the Ebay listing template. The Ebay listing template was finally loaded into the owner’s Blackthorne Database so it would available for use.

Louisville Youth Orchestra

This project’s goal was to convert the Louisville Youth Orchestra’s previous Frontpage designed website to a content management system for easy future updating.


  • A content management system that would provide an easy mechanism to update the content and schedules on the site.
  • The site must have the same exact look as the previous site.

What Was Done

After evaluating several content management system solutions, PyroCMS was selected as the best for this project because of it being easily modified to fit the needs of the client. A template was created for the Louisville Youth Orchestra based upon their existing site. This template is completely compatible for PyroCMS to allow for easy upgrades to the content management system.

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